The second time through this game impressed me even more. Having completed it again, I find myself constantly comparing it to the Halo 2 single player experience, and finding it much better in most ways.

For starters, the game is gritty, mature, and difficult. Rifles have kick and a single headshot won't penetrate a helmet. This level of difficulty (on the game's highest setting: hard) was what I was looking for in Halo 2 and never found. Of course, Halo 2 lets you drive tanks and flying machines, while Killzone only lets you shoot them down. That and the lack of enemy variety make up my biggest complaints about the game.


The weapons are fun to use, and you have a decent selection to choose from. Killzone also managed to incorporate being able to play as 4 different characters in a way that made sense and was fun (unlike Brute Force). Though, a lack of co-op is another big negative.

Level design late in the game is really where this title shines. The last two or three levels are not only gorgeous (Killzone does snow and mountains absurdly well), but also have the perfect blend between challenge, fun, and pacing for the ending part of the game. It may not be The Maw, but anyone who looks at the final pre-rendered explosion will tell you that it's way more convincing than Halo's in game cut scene ending.

Together, Killzone's pieces form the best PS2 FPS out there, and fairly good FPS for a console. It's not Halo, but it's definitely a step up over Halo 2. I am eagerly anticipating seeing how its sequel holds up (if it ever appears).